Brand Owners | Printers | Ad Agencies | Designers
We have invested in systems specifically crafted for proofing packaging. Accurate simulation of both process and spot colours on hundreds of possible substrates while taking into account finishing options requires industry leading solutions. Brand owners and printers have access to extremely accurate proofs and a recipe that can be followed on press in order to match proof and print. Another first for Acme Graphics and ColoRecipe!
Proofs you are currently receiving are not reliable in answering the following questions:
Our ColoRecipe proofs use spectral data and PantoneLIVE, with verification, to enable brand owners and printers to know exactly what to aim for.
Working with spectral data we are able to create TVI (dot gain) curves for spot and pantone colours. We are also able to accurately proof expanded colour gamut and simulate non standard printing processes with great accuracy.
Our proofers are equipped with online and offline Spectrometers and process inks, expanded gamut inks and spot or Pantone colours are verified. It is remarkeable that the majority of Pantone Colours produced by ColoRecipe proofs more closely simulate Pantone Master Standards than the swatch guides do. On the right is an example of the DeltaE colour difference between a swatch guide and the Master Standard. In this particular case our ColoRecipe proof gets to within a DeltaE of 3.1 vs. the swatch guide at 15.3. From this point forward, matching the proof and not a swatch guide is a reality.