Layout | Proof | Prepare for Print | Plates or Upload Digital Files | Delivery
Brand owners and packaging printers trust us with file preparation for any printing process. We have 18 years experience in preparing artwork for all packaging print processes. Your artwork is also safe with us (backed up in 3 locations) and accessible to you via the Customer Login link above. We have not lost a single file in 18 years!
Packaging workflow automation increases speed and quality and it also ensures consistency in delivery, no matter which of our 8 DTP operators are working on your project. We sport a complete Esko Automation Engine 14 installation. In our datacenter we have hosts totalling 10 physical CPU's, 128 GB RAM and 50 Terabyte Storage driving virtual machine servers.
We are a one-stop-shop for your artwork prepress requirements. Preparation for all printing processes. Artwork is delivered consistently on time and with an unbeatable level of accuracy. Right first time!
Using award winning software from Esko, our dedicated checkers are able to compare incoming art to previous revisions and final art. Side by side comparion, "blinking" and "difference views" are possible. Checking of screened separations is possible with zoom to pixel level. Tools allow verification of barcodes, braille, checking of lineature, screen angles, resolution, separations, trapping and total area cover of inks.